Here are some pics from the weekend!!! It was a great time. Thursday was Byrd's (Whit's Godfather) birthday so we went and got some steak!!! Friday was a supper club crawfish boil (chef tyler showed up)! Saturday was pre-birthday birthday celebration for Nona, and Aunt Di-nanne, Papa, and Nancy came in and we ate boiled crawfish again! Then it was all wrapped up with an intesting mothers day on Sunday, which was Crystal's first one (more pictures coming soon from that), and last but not least an awesomely fun trip to the doctor. Hope you enjoy. click the link below to go to the photo album from the weekend. Leave some comments. Late.
Now that's what I'm talking about! I love you, Crystal and Tyler, but I've got 24 years worth of pictures of you, Crystal and 2 years worth of you, Tyler. I love a big ole picture of Whitaker all by himself to take up the whole screen on my big ole computer!!!:) (Now, that doesn't mean I don't love seeing all 3 of you!)
My how he has grown!!! And what a cutie! I'll have to does make me sad to see how big he is growing without me!
Thanks for the pics!Love, Grammy
Absolutely Beautiful people!! See you all on Monday night! Yea!!!!
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