That expression has taken on new meaning for me in the last 2 weeks. Not so much for my self, but my son can literally "sleep like a log." When I look at him sleeping it's like I am in the woods and looking at a log that is laying on the ground. Incredible illustration I know, but he just sleeps. He sleeps during the day, he sleeps during the night, and he sleeps even when he eats. It is incredible. I love watching him at that last second b/w consciousness and unconsciousness. It's like you can see the last thought that goes through his mind and then his body goes limp and he's out. It's and interesting phenomenon and if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it. Whitaker is a great baby. The only reason he wakes up at night is b/c Crystal (I initially typed "we" where "crystal" is typed and then i had a reality check!) goes and gets him up to eat. It's an answer to prayer.
The picture you see was caught extremely close to that last second of being awake.
Love much, hate none.
Look at that sweet baby!!
this baby is definatly the cutest baby ever.
like no lie.
i wanna see it
love talene
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