
my lil pony??

random post... this is a picture of a horse that is painted in a wall mural in one of the nursery rooms at church. the room is called the barn room if you can imagine that!

anyway, that horse scaes me to death. i have nightmares about this horse. if i ever saw a horse that was possesed by a demon it would most likely look like this horse. you know the scariest part about this animal is that no matter where you go in this room the horse is watching you. freaky, i know...

the sad part is that 4 year olds love this horse that this 24 year old cant be alone in the same room with. laugh if u want, but there are two things i dont joke about... 1) all clowns and 2) demon possesed horses in nurserys.

good luck sleeping...


susan said...

Tyler....you're weird. That is a sweet little horse. He kinda has a "come hither" look about him, but definitely not demonic.

are owe bee said...

man law