
Just Watching Some TV...

Yesterday Whitaker wanted to watch the PGA Championship, so he picked up the remote and hopped on the couch and made it happen!
Ok, maybe there was a little less picking and hopping that happened in that story, but he did sit up all by himself! He's getting way to big, but he's getting cuter everyday!


jennifer maggio said...

What a cute little one! Cant decide who he looks like though. Anyway, Navigate was so good for Dylon, just so rewarding to teach excellence and grow in his spiritual maturity! You guys are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler, Crystal and Whitaker! This is Eduardo from Spain ... Lynne told me about the baby a couple of weeks ago: I couldn`t believe it! You both have a handsome boy (congratulations, although I'm a little bit late, sorry). Keep in touch.

Laci said...

This is so funny. He is so cute and awesome. He is growing up so fast. He is going to be a great world changer, but I think he is already starting because his smile can make a person happy. Love ya'll.