
In leu of...

In leu of my Aunt Susan's blog about her favorite things I came up with my favorite things! So I came up with my 10 favorite things...here they are and why don't you leave a comment with your favorite things...it's kind of hard to come up with JUST 10...especially if you're a little dramatic like me and EVERYTHING is so great!

So here's Tyler's:
1. Saturday Night in LSU Tiger Stadium
2. Being apart of 100+ baptism service
3. Smelling freshly cut wood
4. Anonymous yard edgings
5. Sandwiches with lots of meat on them
6. Whitaker's subtle way of getting my attention
7. Whitaker's diaper only outfit
8. Eating ice cold watermellon next to a slow moving creek with the sun hitting my back and spitting seeds in the water
9. The feeling of relief after holding the urge to go to the bathroom for too long.
10. The look on Crystal's face on the rare occasion that I clean the house.

And mine...
1. My son's exuberant smile when I go get him out of bed in the morning!
2. The shopping on Newbury St. in Boston.
3. My Aldo black flats.
4. ALDO in general!
5. The knock out roses in my front flowerbeds!
6. Orange Pledge spray and the way it makes my couches shine!
7. Our LIVE THE DREAM women's conference...check it out at http://livethedream.healingplacechurch.org/
8. Gap's Basic T-s...my lightpink one with the small pocket...its my favorite thing to wear on my day off!
9. Starbucks...white chocolate mocah!
10. The Message Bible. Every verse speaks directly to my spirit!


MIKE said...

hey u guys dont know me and i stumbeled on this blog by luck. now i see that u guys are deeply religious people. what i want to know is why? why are u putting so much faith in something and someone who u can t even prouve existes let alone have a impacte on ur life.i mean why are u belitteling ur selfes? it's ur hard work that got u here not god's good heart. i am not an atheiste but give ur selfes some credit and take controle of ur lifes. u will reek the benefits. u can do it while keeping ur fath but not by being a slave to it!

The Core/Old School said...

As a principle we don't argue about why we believe something. Nor do we claim that we're "religious"...we're just two people who were drowning in our own goodness and yet still so unhappy... all I will say is this: when you really encounter our Creator and our Savior like we have then we absolutely have no other desire in life then to surrender everything we have not to our faith but to the Living Savior Jesus Christ.

My good works are not enough to give me what I need. It's only by God's good heart that while I was lost at just the right time He rescued me!

I pray he would rock your world!

Thanks for the comment we appreciate your question and invite you to continue checking our blog as maybe we can help answer your questions with future blogs.

I will leave you with this question: can you give something to someone if they refuse to receive it?


susan said...

Hey Crystal, I came up with a few more.....
1) OU-28 UT-21 "Boomer Sooner!"
2) Large blueberry tea from the Water Still with the "good ice" and 4 pkgs of Splenda.
3) Ribs from Lon's new smoker (the pulled pork is a close 2nd-delicious!!)
4) Pumpkins! There was a bumper crop this year.
5) Rebels kicking the crap out of the Sandies in '07!! (OK, this one is in the future, but I'm thinking positively.)