
Changes, Changes, Changes...

Hola. No pictures for this one, but just wanted to make everyone and anyone aware that there have been some changes to thefamilytullos.blogspot.com

I decided to to remove some of the links I've had on the "Our People" section. Its nothing personal, but I just got bored waiting on new posts. If youve noticed your link missing then that means that you suck at blogging (KAYCEE SMITH!!!!) Just joking, but seriously...

After cutting back the slackers, I decided to add some frequent commentors. So it just goes to show you that you always reap what you sow!

So, if you get a chance check out Crystals Aunt, Susan Packard and one of our incredible Pathfinders and HPC servants, Amanda Graeser. Now listen ladies... the pressure is on and the world is reading. Hope you did your finger workouts today! Get to typing.



susan said...

hey thanks tyler! Now I'm glad I didn't make a rude remark about the disgusting diaper genie post! :-) love, aunt susan

Amanda said...

Thanks for adding me, oh I am so sorry I did leave a remark about the diaper genie);

Anonymous said...

dont know if we were ever linked, but we should be. the ONLY time we havent blogged is when we were out of the country and without a computer. show love to yo peeps.