
Thats My Boy...

I can't explain how cool it feels to be able to say those words and it actually be about my son. I know it sounds weird and probably hard to believe, but I actually dreamt about being a dad as far back as when I was in highschool (which Crystal told me yesterday was 6 years ago). I dont really know why I did, but I remember being out at football practice and day dreaming about what kind of father I would be. I dont know exactly why I did that, but the only thing that I can think of is me looking over to the sidelines and seeing my dad leaning up against the fence wathcing me practice. This was at a Tuesday afternoon practice not at a
Friday night game. I dont know why he was there, but I can tell you it wasnt b/c my mom made him. It could have only been because he wanted to be there. And the more I think about it the more it makes me think that it couldnt have been b/c the practice was so exciting (we werent always that good!) but it had to be b/c I was there.

On March 22 I crossed the line into fatherhood and am still trying to figure out how I could love someone who hasnt done anything to earn it so much so quickly. Needless to say, I havent figured it out yet I just know I love that boy so much. The cool part is that it reminds me so much about my dad's love for me, but also my heavenly Fathers love for me. I didnt do anything to deserve it but He loved me so much and so fast that he let His Son die so that I wouldnt have to. He put His Son through hell so that I didnt have walk that road. When I think about it like that my head starts to hurt and I can't understand it, but I know that I am thankful for it.

Thanks for reading my thoughts... Love ya'll.



carly said...

Daddy's little boy...such a special picture!

Make sure you show it to his prom date in a couple of years! HAHAHA!!!

Anonymous said...

You & Crystal are such amazing people. You are going to be the parents that every kid wishes theirs were like.
We love you both.
Jennifer, T-Barry & Madison

Anonymous said...

aww you are going to be such a good dad your son is so cute

Eric & Fannie Doucet said...

your family is awesome. Congrats on everything you have been blessed with, I cannot think of better people to be parents than you two. lotta love for the Tullos family.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME youre the dad now, hope I can see him soon!

-Dylan D