
Gratefulness Overwhelms Me.

I remember sitting at a Panhandle JV football game one fall Thursday night while in 10th grade. I was dating one of the varsity football players at the time, and he and his friends were in the stands having a great time. I remember being in a "fight" (whatever those look like when you're 16) with him at that football game. One of his friends kind of got into the middle of it, and sarcastically said to me:

"You know Crystal... (and I remember this so vividly) life's not as great as you expect it to be! You want to marry some preacher guy and live in a house with a little white picket fence and have perfect kids some day, don't you? Don't hold your breath!"

I couldn't think about anything else this past Sunday morning as I sat so proudly holding my new baby, and listening to Tyler preach to about 500 or so people (give or take a hundred) at our 8am service at our church for the first time. I just sat so overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and goodness to me. Our Pastor asked Tyler to preach about why life's not fair a couple weeks ago. Tyler's main point was, "Life's not fair, but God always gives us a promise, and the secret to enjoying this life is all in where our perspective lies. Is it on your problems of your past and present, or is it in the promises of the future that God's given?"

You know life's not fair. It's not fair that I have what I have knowing my past, my faults, my failures and my struggles. It's not fair that I have such a wonderful husband when sometimes I take him for granted, but even though my circumstances surrounding my life aren't fair, my God and the promise He's given me is.

He promises that when we are faithless, He is faithful. When we are weak, He is strong! When I am lacking, He is abundant! He promises that if we delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart! And oh how He's done it time and time again.

I think back to what that guy said to me 8 years ago. I do remember wanting that "picture perfect" life, and while my life is not perfect, the God that Tyler and I serve is! I don't deserve anything I have, but God has given me everything I hoped for and desired. Gratefulness overwhelms me.

For those of you who missed it, Tyler did an amazing job! He preached so boldly and confidently! His parents were there too, and the grin on their faces were priceless! I am so proud of the man I married, and so thankful that God has been so patient with us. Thanks be to God for the opprotunity!

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