
Its a great feeling...

saw this in a cvs the other day and not only did it make me laugh it made me think. it doesnt happen often but i had the thought that somtimes in our world we have these little nagging things that we cant get rid of and we'll look to all sorts of things to FREE us of them, but a lot of times those quick fixes end up getting us less free.

you know there is only one thing that can really bring true freedom.... read 2 corinthians 3:16-18 out of the message if u get a chance. it pretty much sums it up with this thought. "and when god is personally present, a living spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. we are free of it."

so maybe one day we can take your picture with a cheesy smile and label your box with __(fill in blank)__FREE!!!!

its a great train, so why dont we get off of whichever one we're riding and hop on board!

love you.


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